In an increasing competitive corporate environment, there's mounting pressure on every member of your team to be 'in the zone' at work. Give your company the edge by enhancing your employees' human effectiveness, as individuals and as a team.

The program has shown to increase performance in the business and working context, as well as on a personal level – resulting in increased self-esteem, decision making, mature reactions and communication skills.

Course delegates will learn the following:
  • Intrapersonal skills – such as assertiveness, decision making and relaxation and de-stress techniques
  • Interpersonal skills – such as boundary setting, conflict management and positive reactions
  • Brain performance – understanding how the brain works on multiple levels
  • Work and peak performance skills – including empathy, handling peers and co-workers and leadership skills
Dynamically presented by qualified corporate facilitators on-site or at our main offices, EQ courses are constantly evolving to stay relevant and up-to-date

For more information on EQ CORPORATE COURSES,
Click here to download.

For more information on PERFORMANCE EDGE,
Click here to download.


Through our EQ (Emotional Quotient, or EI) courses, we help children to be more confi dent, less anxious, happier with themselves and more sociable.

Professionally facilitated in a safe environment using fun educational techniques, children learn about:
  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Socially Appropriate Behaviour
  • A Better Understanding of Selves and Others
  • Physical Wellness

Visualisation and relaxation exercises helps children to:
  • Take control of their emotions
  • Develop greater well-being
  • Exercise equanimity, calmness and self-composure.


To get a brain functioning optimally, it needs a good workout – like a fit body.

On our Re-Mind memory course, we will help you get your head around new concepts, start thinking differently, remember better and learn techniques to engage your brain more efficiently.

Learn how the brain works, how and why memory loss occurs and why the brain stores selective information. We will teach you skills, techniques and exercises to improve your concentration and memory.

For more information on RE-MIND,
Click here to download.

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